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Bad Audition Highlights
Last week we set our members old and new, as well as the wider theatrical world, a challenge.

The Bad Audition Challenge
Like a lot of confused Brits, we weren't entirely certain of the message after the Prime Minister's address this evening.
That said...

The Chronicles of OTG: Part 1 - Rolling Rock
It all started in a field. To be exact, it started in a field when we were drunk.

Share Your Shakespeare!
Last week was William Shakespeare's 456th birthday, a satisfying number to write on a keyboard, but he would have no idea what that means.

OTG Digital: Creature
Last week we brought you an old school tour favourite with Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow of Doom.

Jumping on the Bangwagon!
Jumping on bandwagons is usually considered a bad thing, but when the bandwagon’s a good one then it’s probably best to get leaping.

The Sounds of Off the Ground!
This week's blog post is one you can listen to as well as read!

The Water Game
This week's blog comes to you in the form of a video blog - or a Vlog, in case you aren't up with the tech lingo of 2010.

10 Ways Self Isolation is Like a Night at the Theatre
It feels like most of the world is locked down or coming to a stop, and the rest of us are self-isolating or social distancing

Your OTG Community
So it looks like lockdown is coming, and with it a new wave of uncertainty and insecurity.

OTG Covid-19 Update
Unfortunately, tonight's blog is a deviation from the usual fun and games for an update on the current developing situation at OTG.

So it begins...
Welcome to the 'Off the Ground Theatre (Not-a-)Blog, Thinly Disguised as Latest News' page, or 'OTG News' for short.
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