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Dan Meigh

Favourite Song
Favourite Actor
Judi Dench
Artistic Director
Dan Meigh
Member Since
1994 (Founder)
Favourite Play
Dan is Artistic Director for Off the Ground Theatre, which is a grand way of saying that he nods in an encouraging way to the people who actually do the work. He also runs the drama department at Calday Grange Grammar School; the largest of any grammar school in the UK. Dan lectures on Shakespeare in performance for the English department at Liverpool University and recently has taught at Young Everyman Playhouse, Jigsaw Music Theatre, 20 Stories High and worked with Cheshire Young Carers. He has directed or co-directed all but one of OTG’s summer tours and over 150 youth theatre and professional shows. As an actor he is most well known for his brutal and terrifying portrayal of ‘Man in Café’ in Hollyoaks, reappearing as the slightly less disturbing ‘Other Man in Café’ a year later. He no longer appears in Hollyoaks for fear of being typecast.