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Our Country's Good
CUC Studio, Liverpool
In the twenty-eighth year of the reign of King George III, the British Government sent a fleet to colonize Australia. Eleven ships, carrying supplies and almost 1,500 officers, seamen, marines, and convicts, travelled for eight months before reaching New South Wales. Few of the convicts on board were dangerous criminals.
Under permanent threat of punishment and the searing heat of the Australian sun the convicts fight to retain what little dignity they can. And when a benevolent governor suggests staging a production of The Recruiting Officer it is the young colony begins to ask disturbing questions about rehabilitation and retribution.
Based on real events, this is a powerful and often amusing story of the redemptive and transforming power of theatre.
Written by Timberlake Wertenbaker.
Original music by Eric Blakemore.
Assistant direction by Andy Byron and Bill Pasterfield.
Directed by Iona Farley and Dan Meigh.
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Open air theatre
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The best way to know what to wear to an open air theatre performance is to check on what the weather is doing, but always play it safe. If you can carry a coat in case things turn sour, then we’d always recommend doing so. Beyond that, wear anything you like to an open air theatre performance, though please ensure you wear something!